Safety & Comfort Policies

The ContraCola group promotes family-oriented events focused on Contra and Waltz dancing. All dancers attending our events are expected to behave in a respectful and friendly manner to ensure that everyone feels safe and comfortable. Here are a few guidelines to observe:

  • Due to potential allergic reactions, please avoid using scented products (cosmetics, cleaners, and personal hygiene items).
  • Please ensure your personal hygiene to minimize discomfort to other dancers.
  • Our events are tobacco- and alcohol-free. 
  • Children must be supervised at all times.
  • We do not condone or permit any behavior which intentionally harms, intimidates, or harasses any participant, either physically, sexually, or emotionally.
  • Anyone who feels harassed, intimidated, or at risk of injury is encouraged to speak to the caller, other staff, or a board member, one of whom will investigate and offer suggestions for correcting the problem. 
  • ContraCola reserves the right to expel and/or ban anyone whose behavior has been judged by the Board or by the event staff to be disruptive, harassing, or dangerous.
  • Although we recognize that innocent flirtation is common to contra dancing, sexually suggestive, lewd, or indecent behavior on or off the dance floor, is not acceptable.
  • Accidental body contact in the course of a vigorous dance will not be considered harassing unless it can be shown to be part of a pattern of deliberately-planned "accidental" contacts.
  • No weapons, including concealed firearms, are allowed at any of our events.